St James' Parents and Friends Association has an important role in supporting the staff and students in our school. We are a small but dedicated group organising events for all within the school community.

Our main aim is to make everyone feel welcome and happy. We have a great school and fantastic group of teachers who are more than willing to help us with any ideas we have. We work closely with Mr Moon and all the teachers in achieving this and it is evident when we have such a great show of support at events such as our trivia night or colour explosion. The children love being part of it too, by shopping at our Mother's and Father’s Day stall. We try to include them in as many of the activities as possible. After all, we do it for them.

​How can you help or be involved?

Just by enrolling your child into St James’ you automatically become a member of the P&F. We have an informal monthly meeting on two or three Wednesdays of each term in the staff room. At these meetings various topics about the school are discussed. It is by far the best way to have an input in decision making at the school. We love seeing new faces and getting more parents on board, so please feel free to join us.

We also concentrate our efforts on "friend-raising" and not just fundraising. As such, we host events to bring our school community together. These are exciting times for us, and we would love more friend-raisers on board to help with these fun-filled events. We are open to suggestions and would love your feedback or any ideas you may have.

Please feel free to contact any member of the P&F executive. We are only too willing to help.

We hope to see you at one of our friend-raising events soon.